Good day,
I hope I'm meeting you in the middle of a good morning.
I wanted to stop by this week and create a short blog about gratitude.
So often I know I and other people are always mentally and sometimes verbally aware of the things we don't have - or goals we haven't achieved. In a way its a good thing to be aware of where you stand when your trying to accomplish goals. But, constant mind-wind on that same topic can get a person to thinking more about what they don't have done than what they do have...
There are plenty of things and places we just aren't at at this moment, as we know you can only be so many places at once. But where you are right now is something to recognize and be thankful for. Where ever you are is still a place in space and its good you're here. For one moment its nice to clear your mind and just appreciate whatever it is you've got. Be thankful, be grateful you are where you're at. Because wherever that is- is a good place to leap up from. Even if or when you feel down low.
There are a lot of things I don't have personally, some I want, some I don't want. Some I know I will get there eventually. For right now at this very moment while I'm typing this and you're reading this I hope you sit quiet think for a moment- in this exact time and space, are you grateful for what you have right now? Or are you taking it for granted. family, health, love? are you making the most of it. Pay attention to your right now, this day will only come once. Make the most of it my friends.