Tuesday, May 20, 2014


Let's talk about em.

If they aren't on your body they aren't your business and probably have little or nothing to do with you.

That is all.
You are clear to continue to move about the cabin.

Love, and deep warm regards,


The darkness creeps over the sky and I leave it all behind
Out into the night I go. Invisible except when illuminated by the street lamps.
The music I listen to is the music of the night. My feet silently swooping in for a landing and then a hushed
Thwap, thwap, as it takes off again. Over and over.
My rushed inhales and exhalations. Keeping time with my feet.  Frogs chirping away in their triangle fenced in ponds
My bones are swift and sleek and strong I know deep inside my body how smooth I am going.
The bones in my foot attach to the pavement and guide my body through my motion.
The outside of my body ripples and reverberates with each connect and disconnect from the earth.
I turn a corner, how good it is to be out here in the dark. I smell a clean laundry smell wafting out of people’s homes.
Soon, the lilacs will bloom and the night air will be thick and sweet.
If only everyone could know this peace. This feeling. I know I’m not a bird or a deer or gazelle but when I’m out in the night,
I am.
I fly like a bird, no one can see me and no one is watching but I do, I can go so silent. I can swoop so quiet with my feet going fast and silent, like an owl.
I can bound, I can push powerfully up a hill. I  am a wild animal in the night.
How good to be out. The happiness I feel in my everyday life is reflected and magnified as I run around my home and then finally, turning and going back to it. Welcoming it back. Thankful it waited for me there. I change back into a human on the front step and I am happy for this night. I welcome the miles I may go until I sleep.