Friday, July 19, 2013

Delving into my childhood

Even though I'm about to be a mother of two. I usually feel like I'm still a kid myself, when I'm not working, getting my education. paying bills/rent and making sure that actual kids are fed :)

I fell asleep last night thinking about how awesome yet maybe unconventional my childhood was.

My family never went to Disney world, or Wisconsin Dells or took a trip to the ocean.
our first (and only, so far) family vacation was when I was 18 years old.

We did kick a ton of ass though. We played basketball all evening until the sun went down. When one of the kids got hurt we knew we couldn't leave them, we'd drag their limp body home for inspection.

I could operate nun chucks, wrist rockets and butterfly knives before I started middle school.

We used to shoot icicles with wrist rockets.
we rode everywhere with my dad on his motorcycle.
we climbed every tree, explored the woods, watched out for each other, caught a million bugs, toads, tad poles, frogs, snakes, turtles and crayfish.
We filled fanny packs with frog eggs and forgot about them.
It was dog eat dog in our house - nobody had to make you come home on time to eat dinner. get home on time for dinner, because it’s on the table at 6, if you aren’t here to speak for your food no one will do it for you.
Punishment was fairly sentenced and you deserved it. We didn't run the house, our parents did.

We kids were strategists first. No matter what we had a plan and even if it worked or it didn't we HAD a plan.

Most peoples' childhoods ready them for a normal functioning adulthood.
My childhood had no Disneyland, sailing expedition or grand canyon. But, if a plane went down with all four of my brothers and sister in it, there would probably be four survivors. We could survive nuclear holocaust, maybe even a zombie apocalypse if we had to.

Regular adulthood has been pretty easy so far. I don't know what we trained so hard for. :)

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