Monday, December 16, 2013

Muffins for that face

I was thinking about muffins yesterday.

They're basically a little capsule of delicious items baked into a hand holdable portable food product.
First off- health wise.. almost all muffins can be hellish little crap foods land mines.

But I'm a revolutionary and I wanted to change all that. so I did. and now I'm going to share that with you.

What is a muffin made of? the breakdown - its pretty easy/basic

Fat: butter or oil in most cases. it store bought muffins ( averaging in the 650 empty calorie range) this is usually where the  cheap hydrogenated trans fat area is at.
Needed because: makes the muffin nummy and moist, just how you like it Mrs. Hines.

Dry ingredients: like flours provide structure for the muffin - in store bought or boxed muffins this is where the enriched white flour comes in. no fiber, no nutrients.

Leavening: usually in the form of baking soda or power, makes the muffin rise all fluffy and nice - like.

Goodies: you know what I'm talking about - the good stuff. this is what makes the muffin come alive. fruit, nuts, spices. anything that your little heart can dream up goes in here. Caution: many store bought mixes and muffins use artificially colored fruit pieces or artificial flavors in here.

Now - Here's what I did. I swapped out a few things to make some vegan muffins that will melt your face off. and ill even include a picture, the recipe and the caloric and macro nutrient breakdown. THAT is what we in the business call, a "win".
I hope your ready.

I replaced the fat in the recipe with a whole, ripe avocado and a very ripe mashed banana. - When these are very ripe they are nice and sweet on their own so I only needed to add 1/2 c of sugar. I added 1 TBSP olive oil just for good measure, 1 TBSP lemon juice and the zest of one small lemon and 1/4 cup almond milk to round out the wet ingredients. For the dry ingredients I used 1 1/2 C whole wheat flour ( fiber and protein) - but you could sub any other flour you like. oat, barley, ect. 1 t baking powder, 1 t baking soda & 1/2 t salt.
for the goodies I cleaned out my fridge and pantry I used to great success: 1/4 cup roasted pecans, 1/2 Cup dried unsweetened cranberries and 1/4 cup roasted milled flax seed.

Mix the wet with the dry. then add in the goodies. Keep an eye on it if you find it a bit too dry add some more milk. a little too wet add  little flour. Bake in a coconut oil sprayed muffin tin - makes 12 perfect muffins that pop right out. 400 degrees for about 20 minutes until they bounce back when you tap the tops and they begin to turn golden brown.

1 Ripe avocaodo mashed
1 ripe banana - mashed
1 TBSP olive oil
1/2 c sugar
1 tbs lemon juice and lemon zest
1/4 c almond milk
1 1/2 c wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking power
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 c pecans
1/2 c dried cranberries
1/4 cup crushed flax seed

bake at 400 degrees F for 20 minutes.
don't let your husband eat them all at once.
they are awesome!

Calorie count per muffin:

5 grams of fat - only one g is saturated
NO cholesterol.
19 grams of carbs.
  PEACE! <3 Josie

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