Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Good Morning all you beautys

Two things: healthy num nums and a serious little pep talk. As always with me, food is usually first on the agenda. 

Breakfast! you need it, if you don't eat breakfast I don't know what to do with you. and I will fight you! When I say eat b-fast I mean it. It’s important, your Mom was right. It takes too long you say? not convenient you say? I need something healthy you say? FEAR NOT friends! I've got something for you and I'm going to break it down and show you - YOU CAN eat something good, good for you, easy, budget friendly and convenient in the mornings. it is possible and I will show you the way.
Overnight Oats.
I'll say it again.
Overnight Oats.
I'm sure you and I will explore many tasty breakfast treats together but none such as nutrition packed, sustainable and cost effective as this.

what you're now seeing is pure, unadulterated power in a bowl.
FRIENDS, there are only 2 ingredients needed to make amazing feat of awesome breakfast fodder, they are: 1/2 of dried oats ( I used the American blend steel cut mix with dried fruit, got it at target) and about a 1/4 cup yogurt** ( I used a brand of Greek yogurt with honey in it, at target/ any grocery store ever) you can also add a Tsp of honey to taste and today I added a tablespoon of organic Hemp vanilla protein powder, got that at trader Joes.
How do you make it? easy. the night before you want your b fast, mix all ingredients together and Boom, put it in the fridge. take it out in the morning at eat it. THATS IT!! SO EASY RIGHT? Ready for the break down? This nummy breakfast {1/2 oats, 1/4 yogurt, 1 TBSP hemp protein} contains: 318 calories ( fuel for the morning) 7 grams of fat, 1 g sat fat, 48 g of carbs and 16 g protein. That's what you call good.
give it a try, it took me awhile to tweak it to where I like it now. I don’t recommend the instant oats, they sort of disintegrated on me. So I use the better for you, less processed steel cut kind instead.
okay num, good breakfast.
On to the second order of business.

The second guessing yourself / not believing in yourself.

this is bulshit.
I'm not messing around - ladies, gents, Please hear this. When people try to feed you bullcrap - do not eat it!
I hate to sound cheesy but that is what is about to go down. If I wanted to climb mount Everest, I could. If you wanted to climb mount Everest, you could. whatever it so happens is a dream or something you wanna do you can make that reality. That’s it, plain and simple. all you need is time and dedication. keep trying, shun the non believers. Begin to form a strong sense of self strength.

Strength of self- not everyone has it. I'm convinced this is a learned behavior. Unless your mom whispers in your ear, "you're going to be awesome, everyone will love you." every hour on the hour every day of your life.. there’s a chance you'll doubt your own awesomeness. once in awhile this is okay, tolerated.. just barely by me. The rest of the time. Eff That- nobody else is going to do your work, put in your hours or fly your flag for you. you can do it and you need to rock it.
-achieving a strong sense of self
step one,
Any and all negative self-talk must cease.
^ that is for real. it’s not allowed. think of something else.. butterflies, unicorns WHATEVER. I like to turn it around and verbally SAY the opposite of what’s going on in my head. (ex: my legs are hurting and I don't want to walk yet, I say this out loud, "I am kicking so much ass at this, I'm like a robot. Only programmed for one thing, running.") Don't ever verbalize any negative self thought, it will do nothing but damage. Stop it at the source and don’t let the thought become a word. in time, with effort, this will come naturally and you won't have to even think about it.
& your life will seem and be exponentially better, after all everything is interpretation and when your perspective changes - so will your life.

That’s just one little baby step and it seems like just changing that one little thing won’t do much - but is such a big deal. Just try it the next time you get a chance :)

I hate to sound like Hitler, but it’s time to put your positive thought regime in motion. And that is the first step.

That’s all for now folks. Enjoy the day you've got.

Peace out


** Quick second of your time.. DON'T eat or buy 'light' yogurt. It’s bad for you. has aspartame (same junk as is in diet soda) and has been proven to be carcinogenic (that shit will give you cancer) don’t eat it, don’t buy it. Force the market to change.  

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