Wednesday, April 3, 2013

I know Kung Fu... Show me.

Good morning, I hope to be catching you in the midst of a prosperous day. J

I want to talk about two things this week. I have been lying awake in my bed at night, my mind full of things I should expel from it.

The things I would like to talk for a little bit about are: priories and potential.  
Priorities, what are yours? If you were to write down a list of say 5- 10 important things you really want but don’t have what would they be? Would it be stuff, useless things? Monetary gain? The acclimation of needless crap for the sake of self appointed importance or status? Would you write down success? At work or study? Would you write down the health/happiness of everyone around you? What is it that you would really want? Write a few things down. We all know what we want. Write it down and make it real. Don’t look ahead. Do it now.

I’ll be here when you’re done.
Did you do it?
Okay, look at your list. However long or short it is. Did you even put yourself on the list? If so, are you dead last or at the very bottom? I know this happens a lot. We get all involved with everyone’s else and their needs (not to say that isn’t important) and completely forget about ourselves and I’ve got a little secret for you: It shows. Look, when it comes to the lively hood of your family, friends, whosever priories you put in front of your own. You need to put yourself in that first place spot to take care of all the other things you must do. What happens if you aren’t around? Or are incapacitated in some way? YOU, by neglecting yourself are just taking yourself out of the equation. You will make other people suffer inadvertently just by putting yourself last or lower on your own list.

That being said.
Go back to the list.
What’s bulshit on there? Please cross off anything you can buy with cash. They make more money everyday people. It’s a common as dirt on the ground. And it’s going to be there. Cars and crap you can buy with money are next to nil compared to more important things in your life you should hold higher.  I’m talking important to you. Nothing of monetary value should really be on that list. It won’t last, it’s not something you should spend precious time on. There will always be more money, but there will never be more time.

So if you’ll look down at your possibly revised list. I want you look and see where you put yourself. If you aren’t on there yet, please cross out the number one spot and write your name. Adjust the list as needed. If you’re on there but not at the top please move yourself to the top ranking position. That’s where you are. Please see it and acknowledge it. Don’t deny yourself your own number one spot. In the event of a crash if the plane is going down, how helpful could you be to others if you don’t pull down your own O2 mask and secure it first? If you try in vain to save everyone else and neglect yourself how will you do any good for any of them if you are dead? You won’t. That’s the end of that.

The point is YOU should be important to you. I’m not talking about selfishness. I’m talking about longevity. The capacity to do well for longer is within everyone’s grasp and anyone can do it.

When in regard about taking care of one’s own self (being educated about Nutrition and applying that education, getting quality sleep and exercising) people will feed you lines and excuses about how they “Don’t want to live forever” that’s why they say they refuse to do anything good for themselves and really put themselves in that number one spot. It’s not about living forever baby, It’s about living well. If you don’t take care of yourself you won’t just tip over and die one day like boom. It’s more like you’ll die of terrible long stupid disease of the body or mind (that can be avoided initally alltogether!). I’m sorry but if eating well(that’s a whole different blog post I’m excited for , next week maybe? J), exercising, and sleeping enough (three things people!!) is enough to stave off nearly all of my chances of getting or contracting any of those problems, you bet your ass I’m gonna do all I can to be here for as long as I can. Living the highest quality that can be attained. Try putting yourself first for a day. Try not breaking a promise to yourself for a whole day or if you’re feeling brave – a whole week. We commit to other things, people, responsibilities and now you need to see that if you just commit to yourself how well things will work for you. Try it, trust the process and change your life.

I promise myself for example that I will eat right and get to the gym minimum of three mornings a week. I like to go for 5-6 but my PROMISE is 3 so to me, that’s a very high priority. Something I don’t break no matter what.

So here’s me this AM. It was a lower body day. I ran, maxed out my hammies and quads lifting and then hit the stairs.

Here I am in all my bloated back fatty period time of the month fresh tattoo still hurting glory.
Bleeding and sweating everywhere. (don't worry I wiped the machine down)
The best part is, that I’m doing this and nobodys making me –I'm doing things for my body and ultimately for myself and my family. And while I don’t HAVE to be there, I could be anywhere but it’s my choice to be there. And anyone could make it. I just want you to know that.

In summation, find what it is that is truly important to you and make no excuses in your plans to make it reality. You'll like it, I promise.

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