Thursday, April 25, 2013

Make it happen

Normally, I don't advise trickery.

But in cases of health and fitness, or potential health and fitness- I advise it, it works.
most of how we get our exercise and decide what we eat is all about our minds. - It's how we relate to our fitness and food intake.

We've talked about goal setting. If you have a dream and you make a plan to get there and then follow it - that moves it from the dream or wish category right into the goal spectrum.
that's good.

Ways to convince yourself to help you reach any goals & some examples I can give you of what I do...

{An immediate goal of mine is to improve my physical health and increase my level of fitness.}

Things I really do:

Construct a dream board.
* Make a bulletin board into a dream board you will see everyday. cram it full of all the things you would like to see happen in your life. look at it every day. study it, add to it-  and draw power and inspiration from it. It's an evolutionary thing that can change as your goals do.

Put inspirational posters up where you know you need them.
*To get myself to run in the morning I put print outs of things I know will get me fired up to get outside I have one on my bedroom wall. the first thing I see when I open my eyes and also have a poster in my bathroom (everyone has that one spot in the bathroom they stare at in the morning when they pee. That's where my poster is at) They can say anything but most of mine say things like "If they hate you now, just wait till you're done." and "Wake up, the pavement misses your feet".

The Fridge.
* cut out a picture of something that motivates you could be an athlete or someone that holds the ideal of what you're going for. Cut it out and tape it to the fridge. it will help. I write notes also. on the fridge about eating for fuel and not emotional domination.
Mix and match whatever works for you best.

Know yourself
- you know yourself best. I used to say I was going to run in the morning but never wanted to actually put my running clothes and socks on when the time came. So I launched a
strike on myself. - I went to bed every night in all of my running clothes socks included- and I got used to it. The result was i only had to get up put my shoes on and go outside. and i managed to run basically every single day for about a year.

You know yourself best so launch as many
strikes as you need to to make sure you get your business done.

Oh, another BIG one for me is not buying what I know to be junk food at the store. I just don't buy it at all. Then it's not in my house. Its kind of a win-win for me.

That's all for now.
Thanks everyone for reading.
Have a secret weapon or trick you use against yourself for the greater good? Leave it in the comments :)

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