Monday, June 3, 2013

I'm sure

that I'm intterupting a good day in progress. I won't take up too much space or time.

I just thought maybe someone somewhere might need encouragment no matter what it is they are going to attempt to achieve today, this week, or this year. I hope everyone knows that whatever it is you want to get done - it is possible. People who tell you otherwise say that because THEY think they cannot do something and so they put that into their mind that just because THEY cannot do something that you cannot do it either. And thats how it starts. just one person thinking they can't do something, thats "too hard" or what have you. This ball has been rolling too long. and more of us need to realize that just we can do even very difficult things. So many things deemed "impossible" are actually just very difficult and can be done. Please don't limit yourself. The kids are watching.

Be true.
YOU can do it.