Monday, December 16, 2013

Muffins for that face

I was thinking about muffins yesterday.

They're basically a little capsule of delicious items baked into a hand holdable portable food product.
First off- health wise.. almost all muffins can be hellish little crap foods land mines.

But I'm a revolutionary and I wanted to change all that. so I did. and now I'm going to share that with you.

What is a muffin made of? the breakdown - its pretty easy/basic

Fat: butter or oil in most cases. it store bought muffins ( averaging in the 650 empty calorie range) this is usually where the  cheap hydrogenated trans fat area is at.
Needed because: makes the muffin nummy and moist, just how you like it Mrs. Hines.

Dry ingredients: like flours provide structure for the muffin - in store bought or boxed muffins this is where the enriched white flour comes in. no fiber, no nutrients.

Leavening: usually in the form of baking soda or power, makes the muffin rise all fluffy and nice - like.

Goodies: you know what I'm talking about - the good stuff. this is what makes the muffin come alive. fruit, nuts, spices. anything that your little heart can dream up goes in here. Caution: many store bought mixes and muffins use artificially colored fruit pieces or artificial flavors in here.

Now - Here's what I did. I swapped out a few things to make some vegan muffins that will melt your face off. and ill even include a picture, the recipe and the caloric and macro nutrient breakdown. THAT is what we in the business call, a "win".
I hope your ready.

I replaced the fat in the recipe with a whole, ripe avocado and a very ripe mashed banana. - When these are very ripe they are nice and sweet on their own so I only needed to add 1/2 c of sugar. I added 1 TBSP olive oil just for good measure, 1 TBSP lemon juice and the zest of one small lemon and 1/4 cup almond milk to round out the wet ingredients. For the dry ingredients I used 1 1/2 C whole wheat flour ( fiber and protein) - but you could sub any other flour you like. oat, barley, ect. 1 t baking powder, 1 t baking soda & 1/2 t salt.
for the goodies I cleaned out my fridge and pantry I used to great success: 1/4 cup roasted pecans, 1/2 Cup dried unsweetened cranberries and 1/4 cup roasted milled flax seed.

Mix the wet with the dry. then add in the goodies. Keep an eye on it if you find it a bit too dry add some more milk. a little too wet add  little flour. Bake in a coconut oil sprayed muffin tin - makes 12 perfect muffins that pop right out. 400 degrees for about 20 minutes until they bounce back when you tap the tops and they begin to turn golden brown.

1 Ripe avocaodo mashed
1 ripe banana - mashed
1 TBSP olive oil
1/2 c sugar
1 tbs lemon juice and lemon zest
1/4 c almond milk
1 1/2 c wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking power
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 c pecans
1/2 c dried cranberries
1/4 cup crushed flax seed

bake at 400 degrees F for 20 minutes.
don't let your husband eat them all at once.
they are awesome!

Calorie count per muffin:

5 grams of fat - only one g is saturated
NO cholesterol.
19 grams of carbs.
  PEACE! <3 Josie

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Santa: what I want for Christmas.

I was going pee the other day and someone hung up a white board in the ladies room that was a cute little Santa and list that a person could write what she wanted in marker on the open lines. Cute idea. On the list many different women wrote: Diamonds! Coffee! Money! New car! ect.. the list goes on. I took the marker, and wrote "More for the less fortunate" and left ( I washed my hands too, don't worry guys).

My husband and I aren't getting each other presents and I hope we never do.(I might write him a poem or something) It seems a waste of money and extra stress around the holidays isn't something I'm ready to sign off on yet. We do so much for each other the rest of the year, Christmas is more like a break than anything else. More than anything for myself I want/wish that actual important things were done on Christmas. Please leave the lead filled dollar store toys at the store, don't bring them here. More importantly its hard to ignore as I get older the common gift wrapped garbage people give each other year in and year out. It's nice to give but to what limit? I understand finding a perfect gift, something that someone needs is ideal but when it becomes something just to be something to give I find it ridiculous. A waste of time and money. There are people severely in need of what I would throw away. I wish that people would just think before they recklessly buy and buy and consume and stomp people to death on black friday for more material crap. I like doing things for others but I think that Christmas is terribly overdone. Think about whats more important than that stupid thing you were going to buy. Maybe its that local kids have warm clothes, enough blankets, or proper school supplies. How about the people and families that will be hungry all year, not just on Christmas. Instead of obsessing over a certain thing you absolutely must have could you donate that time or money and make someones day better? someone who's not you? I'm just saying - think about it. Its sickening that we as Americans actually go into debt over the holidays trying to cover all the holiday expenses that aren't even necessary. less is more - think about it.

Thanks stupid little bathroom sign. you made me go on a schpeel. I'm sure there will be more to follow.
peace <3 Josie